
Create | Write | Play

Welcome to my world

To Jun's Muses

Jun's Writing Prompts

About me

I'm Jun, a composer, songwriter, and writer. I write songs and stories that work, in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Cantonese. I write for myself and the people I care about. I love making them smile, feel valued, and be true to themselves. Sometimes you may find me singing or playing musical instruments (mostly string instruments). Sometimes I also make music videos.

I create, write, and play with words, sounds, and images. Sometimes I mix and match these media; sometimes I don’t. At the core of my work is a refuge where I can reveal my suppressed true self and express my love without shame. It keeps my blood flowing and my heart intact.

In the worlds where my works belong, even in the cruelest and darkest situations, there are always acts of kindness, hope, and love. I believe our world in the reality can be the same.

What am I doing now?

See my "now" page.


Storytelling Notes
Quotes and notes about storytelling worth sharing.
Text to HTML Converter
A free handy tool for making plain text to HTML conversions quick and simple.

Contact me

How can I help you? Say hello~ (中文、English、日本語OK)